"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?" -Vincent Van Gough

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

this is my sewing room (a closet in our small one bedroom apartment) (:


Beth Schofield said...

It looks like, you had better get busy sewing. I wish that, I knew how. I live in Oklahoma as well, Mustang. Stop by my page sometime.

Clint said...

I wonder if God had a blog to motivate his creation?

Anonymous said...

ahhh! You're too cute! Has this been working on your 'creative juices'?

at first i couldn't figure out which way to look at your sewing closet, then i figured out if i just tilt my head just so...

i wish you lived close-by. then we could get together and have craft nights. oh, how i miss girly friends. as joni mitchell once sang, 'you don't know what you've got til it's gone'. :)

Clint said...

i hope you are getting more sewing done than bloging:)